Have you ever wondered why at certain times of the year there is so much happiness going around social networks? When the good weather finally comes, Instagram is flooded with exciting places, exquisite meals and happy people with a perfect life. But … is all that happiness real? And why do people lie about it?

We spend our lives thinking about the selfie we are going to take next or the ideal picture we want to share to get more likes. Even when we are with Friends, we spend more time looking at the phone than talking to them.

According to the fourth AIMC Q Panel study, 94% of Spaniards do not separate from their cell phones during their vacations and more than 21% increase the usage of mobile phones during the summer by publishing twice as many photos and videos than in winter.

So much so, that both Facebook and Instagram have developed a tool to measure the time we spend in front of the phone in these social networks, with the aim of controlling that the time we dedicate is “intentional, positive and inspiring”. The new tools, “Your activity” or “Your time on Facebook”, show us the amount of time we spend connected and give us the possibility to control it through an activity table, a daily reminder and a new way to limit the notifications that we receive.

We feel the pressure of sharing our lives in social networks because everyone does it and of course if we can pretend that we are happier than we are, we will. But it seems that we do not realize that all that happiness is false. And behind it, on the other side of the screen, there is a person waiting to know how many likes he has achieved and how many people have verified how happy he/she is or how lucky is.

Something similar happens when summer is over. The most contradictory thing that happens is the personality change that people experience on their Instagram Stories. Work, exams and early mornings are the protagonists of the crisis that is created in social networks.

Can you really capture the happiest or most overwhelming moments of your life? In my opinion it is almost impossible.
Has anything funny ever happened to you and you thought “I should have recorded it”? Yes, surely it would have been very good to record it to share it on your social networks, but we can not always capture full happiness because then it would not be real.

Think of the happiest moments in your life or in the saddest and most oppressive moments, have you been able to take a picture of that precise moment? No, because in those moments you are living your real life, not the one you want to reflect on social networks.

That’s what happens now, we feed ourselves with false content because people share it to look happier. And at the end of the summer, we only see people who express their bad luck. Weren’t you so happy? What happened?

We spend most of the day watching the lives of people summarized in Instagram Stories. And many times, we are not even interested.
The worst of all is that little by little we are changing the function of social networks. More irrelevant content is being shared, content that does not add any value to your followers, when we should share things that really interest and add value. Because that’s what social networks are for, to connect with people, to entertain and have fun and above all, to get information. Social networks are a great source of unlimited information that we should not mess with so much false content. Let’s not let them become something we do not want. Let us not saturate the content that does not interest us.
As a lover of social networks, I invite you to create value in them by enriching them so as not to lose track of irrelevant content.

That is why I suggest you to enjoy your life, the good and bad moments because they only happen once and the people who share your true happiness and your reality. Do not forget to be more selective with what you share on your social networks.

And remember that happiness is not measured in likes.


Ideagoras Social Media

By Ideagoras Social Media